6984545: (fc) transferFrom does not throw NonReadableChannelException when target is size 0 and non-readable

Rémi Forax forax at univ-mlv.fr
Wed Sep 15 01:58:27 PDT 2010

Le 15/09/2010 05:38, Alan Bateman a écrit :
> Rémi Forax wrote:
>> :
>> what if transferFromArbitraryChannel is used instead of 
>> transferFromFileChannel ?
>> Rémi
>> PS: I hope this sentence is correct in English
> Your English is fine and it's a good question. In the arbitrary 
> channel (not a FileChannel) case then the transferFrom/transferTo 
> methods would need to attempt a read or write for the count == 0 case 
> as they can't tell from the channel type. The long standing behavior 
> has been to do nothing and so would require a bit of consideration 
> before changing it. In implementation terms this would mean reading 
> with a buffer that has 0 bytes remaining. I'll create a bug as a 
> reminder. It may be that the spec needs to be clarified for this 
> corner case. For now, I'd like to restore the behavior for the 
> FileChannel case as it is impacted by the zero length file case.
> -Alan.

fix for 6984545 is good.


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