WatchService - Exposing more of the Inotify Event Model

fm fudmail at
Wed Sep 22 23:41:51 PDT 2010

I've modified a few of the WatchService implementation classes to
allow for the registration of additional WatchEvent.Kind instances
that represent the native events of the underlying OS platform. I
believe the changes add flexibility to the WatchService API, with
minimal disruptive code changes to the existing implementation. There
should be a negligible impact on the existing performance. I have
altered the implementation of the LinuxWatchService to support the
additional event model; however, the SolarisWatchService and
WindowsWatchService implementations are effectively unchanged and
should work the same as before. Similar modifications could be made to
these WatchService implementations to also expose their native event

I am completely open to hearing comments on if this type of added
flexibility to the WatchService API is appropriate for the JDK 7 or
better left to an ex
ternal project.

I will gladly provide the source code files for evaluation if there is
interest. Modified files are,,, and one new file


On Thu, Sep 2, 2010 at 10:59 AM, fm <fudmail at> wrote:
> Thank you for the response. This is the type of info I was looking
> for. Reading the WatchService related API documentation I got the
> sense it was designed for extension. After skimming over some of the
> related source code, it wasn't yet clear to me the best way to go
> about accessing the additional Linux specific filesystem events. After
> looking at the JDK7 source code it was clear to me a lot of hard work
> went into the design of the WatchService notification capability and
> it would be a shame not to be able to leverage it for accessing
> additional event tyeps.  I will look into you suggestions.
> I am also aware that Inotify's IN_CLOSE_WRITE event is not the silver
> bullet to my particular project--but as the link Rémi provided points
> out, it may be more suitable that IN_MODIFY (in my case as well as
> others). But I believe you are correct also that one cannot assume
> something else does not have a file open for is just much
> more unlikely in my particular case.
> Regards
> On Thu, Sep 2, 2010 at 8:00 AM, Alan Bateman <Alan.Bateman at> wrote:
>> f m wrote:
>>> Per Alan B.'s request, I'm moving a discussion here that was started at
>>> <>
>>> I'll try to summarize.
>>> A useful goal of the JDK7 WatchService is to provide a uniform file system
>>> event facility across multiple operating systems. However, in some cases, it
>>> may be more desirable to give up the portability in order to tap into the
>>> full expressiveness of the event model of the native OS. For example,
>>> Inotify on the Linux platform provides additional events not currently used
>>> by the LinuxWatchService implementation such as: IN_ACCESS, IN_CLOSE_WRITE,
>>> I gave one example at the above URI where an event like IN_CLOSE_WRITE
>>> could be used to detect and process a large file only after it has been
>>> completely copied into a watch directory.
>>> After looking over the internal source code, it
>>> appears that the implementation could be readily used (modified or resused?)
>>> to also provide access to these additional event types. Another event class
>>> representation like LinuxWatchEventKinds would need to be added and used
>>> alternatively to the StandardWatchEventKinds.
>>> My question. Would extending the LinuxWatchService capability to
>>> optionally expose the greater set of Inotify event types be in scope for JDK
>>> 7 development, or will client developers who desire this capability need to
>>> find 3rd party implementations (or develop it themselves)?
>>> Regards.
>> The API is designed to allow for events and modifiers that are defined
>> beyond the javadoc so provider implementations can include support for other
>> events if they wish. We haven't included any support for other events in the
>> JDK because our primary motive has been to help the performance of
>> applications that are forced to poll the file system today. If you are
>> looking for pointers then there is one implementation specific modifier
>> (com.nio.file.ExtendedWatchEvent)  that might help show you how additional
>> support is included. You are welcome to hack on the code and try out
>> additional events but you have to be a contributer to contribute patches
>> [1].  A small comment on the "close after write" event is that I don't think
>> you are guaranteed that the file isn't being modified by other entities.
>> That might not be a concern in your environment but just mentioning it.
>> -Alan.
>> [1]

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