6944810: (ch) Assert failure in sun.nio.ch.PendingIoCache.clearPendingIoMap [win]

Chris Hegarty chris.hegarty at oracle.com
Thu Mar 3 06:44:20 PST 2011

Looks ok to me.


On 01/03/2011 22:02, Alan Bateman wrote:
> In the asynchronous I/O tests include tests that exercise asynchronous
> close. These have failed a couple of times on Windows. It turns out that
> two of the operations, AsynchronousFileChannel.read and
> AsynchronousSocketChannel.connect have a timing bug in that they return
> the OVERLAPPED structure to the per-channel cache after releasing the
> channel's read lock (these channels use ReadWriteLocks). This creates a
> bug with asynchronous close where it has to synthesize failure for I/O
> operations that don't abort in a timely manner. That code in turn has a
> bug where it was silently consuming the interrupt status. The webrev
> with the changes is here:
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~alanb/6944810/webrev/
> Note that I haven't added a new test as part of this (I can add the
> bugID to the existing tests). I've also removed the tests from the
> ProblemList file.
> The webrev also includes fixes to typos in AsynchronousFileChannel that
> Wolfgang Baltes mailed me off-list about.
> -Alan.

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