7043425: (fc) ClosedByInterruptException thrown but interrupt status not set

Chris Hegarty chris.hegarty at oracle.com
Wed May 11 06:39:38 PDT 2011

What you have done here looks fine to me, but I wonder if we should 
break out of the loop in signaAndWait if interrupted?


On 05/10/11 06:12 PM, Alan Bateman wrote:
> Here's an embarrassing one. If a thread closing a FileChannel is
> interrupted while it is waiting for other threads to complete their I/O
> operations then the interrupt status is not reset. The JavaDB/Derby
> folks ran into this while testing with jdk7-b141. Thanks for David
> Holmes for spotting the bug. The webrev with the fix is here:
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~alanb/7043425/webrev/
> Thanks,
> Alan.

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