Fw: Patch for File Scanning

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at oracle.com
Sun Oct 9 16:23:37 PDT 2011

mike.skells at talk21.com wrote:
> Hi All,
> I have a few optimisations that I have found in nio2 Path Scanning.
> I found these during the scanning phase of the jar improvements that I 
> have been working on
> The changes only really affect the first few runs thorough the code, 
> and after the scan of the first 20K files there is not 
> much difference, however this does mean a significant improvement for 
> small utility apps (e.g. jar). Most of the improvement were if the 
> path scanning (removing as string+=string that could be optimised), 
> and changes to the WindowsPathWithAttributes 
> A change that I am not sure about is  - there was a WeakReference to 
> the attributes which I have set to final in this patch, but there may 
> be some subtlety that I am missing
Mike - I don't have cycles to examine the patch in detail just now but I 
wonder about the changes to Files. Your change means that Filter is 
eagerly loaded which isn't desirable. Also the changes to the javadoc 
don't look right - did you mean to change the javadoc?

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