Code Review Request: 7183800: TEST_BUG: Update tests to run on Ubuntu 12.04 (localhost is

Kurchi Hazra kurchi.subhra.hazra at
Mon Jul 16 13:12:15 PDT 2012

   I just tried running these tests with set 
to true, but they still fail. I remember working on some of these 
failures in networking where ipv6 multicast was buggy,
but absolutely nothing made those tests work.
However, in this case, if we make sure that the address that the sender 
is sending the packets to and the address that the listener is binding 
to is the same, the tests are passing.

The fix in this webrev is not working for Windows since the tests try to 
connect to So we have to think of some other solution.

- Kurchi

On 7/16/2012 3:56 AM, Alan Bateman wrote:
> On 15/07/2012 19:54, Kurchi Subhra Hazra wrote:
>> Hi,
>>    Some tests in our test repository assume that 
>> InetAddress.getLocalHost() will return However, with
>> linux systems running Ubuntu 12.04 now returning as 
>> localhost, these tests are failing. I have changed two
>> of the NIO tests to remove their dependency on 
>> InetAddress.getLocalHost(). A third test has been added to
>> the ProblemList.txt since the changes required for it are more involved.
>> Bug:
>> Webrev:
> As Chris pointed out, these tests bind to the wildcard address and you 
> need a specific address to setup the address association, otherwise 
> it's highly platform/implementation specific as to whether it will do 
> as intended. So I think the proposed changes will cause problems where 
> you can't connect to and so I think we need to look for 
> another solution.
> Given that none of the TCP tests fail then it suggests it mean that 
> something else is going on, maybe something in the Ubuntu 12 
> configuration. Do these tests run if IPv6 is disabled? We've had 
> issues with some distributions where multicast tests fail and these 
> have always come down to iptables blocking IPv6 multicast packets 
> causing the tests to fail. I just wonder if we have something similar 
> here.
> -Alan


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