Bug in Files.copy() where the source Path is a directory... It _is_ a bug, right?

Francis Galiegue fgaliegue at gmail.com
Wed Dec 10 19:48:24 UTC 2014

Well, at least the behaviour is very counterintuitive.

Here is the situation:

$ pwd
$ stat -c foo
$ find foo
$ stat -c %F meh
stat: cannot stat ‘meh’: No such file or directory

OK, so:

* foo is a non empty directory;
* there is no meh at this place.

Now, this is the code:

public static void main(final String... args)
    throws IOException
    final Path dir = Paths.get("/home/fge/tmp/foo");
    final Path dst = dir.resolveSibling("meh");
    Files.copy(dir, dst);

This code DOES NOT FAIL (not even with DirectoryNotEmptyException on
the source).

And the result is this:

$ stat -c %F meh
$ find meh

Yep, it only copied the directory entry and no files under it!

Francis Galiegue, fgaliegue at gmail.com, https://github.com/fge
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