Files.copy() under Linux at least will remove the existing destination even if the source cannot be read...

Francis Galiegue fgaliegue at
Wed Feb 11 21:40:00 UTC 2015

On Wed, Feb 11, 2015 at 10:35 PM, Alan Bateman <Alan.Bateman at> wrote:
> The implementation does test the the source file before removing the target
> but it should really have it open to avoid this scenario. Can you submit a
> bug on this?

Not sure what you mean by "test the source file" here. Test its
existence? That read access is granted?

Note: I had someone run the code on a Windows machine and in this case
the destination file was left intact, as, well, expected; except that
the documentation of Files.copy() itself indeed makes no guarantee as
to the integrity of the destination file in such a scenario :/

Francis Galiegue, fgaliegue at,
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