[9] RFC on 8066943: (fs) Path.relativize() gives incorrect result for ".." on Windows

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at oracle.com
Fri May 1 19:38:05 UTC 2015

On 01/05/2015 16:33, Brian Burkhalter wrote:
> On May 1, 2015, at 8:31 AM, Alan Bateman <Alan.Bateman at oracle.com 
> <mailto:Alan.Bateman at oracle.com>> wrote:
>> I think this is one that I talked to Max about at one point. It 
>> should throw IAE for this case because you can't generate a general 
>> path for $PWD/x. This is tricky to get right.
> Which case, there are two: ../x
This one.

For the "".relativize("x") then you are going from the current directory 
to "x" so the answer should be "x". We seem to have it right everywhere 
except Windows.

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