[9] RFR of 8080589: (fs) FileChannel.force should use fcntl(F_FULLFSYNC) instead of fsync on OS X
Brian Burkhalter
brian.burkhalter at oracle.com
Tue May 19 18:33:04 UTC 2015
On May 19, 2015, at 7:07 AM, Brian Burkhalter <brian.burkhalter at oracle.com> wrote:
> On May 18, 2015, at 7:14 PM, Robert Muir <rcmuir at gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Mon, May 18, 2015 at 9:24 PM, Brian Burkhalter
>> <brian.burkhalter at oracle.com> wrote:
>>> +#ifdef MACOSX
>>> + result = fcntl(fd, F_FULLFSYNC);
>>> +#else
>> According to fcntl(2) on OS X, this may not be implemented for all filesystems.
>> Should code handle failure/ENOTSUP as suggested here?
>> https://community.oracle.com/thread/453477
>> I see similar code in other open-source databases (but typically not
>> checking errno for anything specific).
> Thanks for pointing this out. I will look into it further and update the patch as needed.
Perhaps this is a safer approach.
--- a/src/java.base/unix/native/libnio/ch/FileDispatcherImpl.c
+++ b/src/java.base/unix/native/libnio/ch/FileDispatcherImpl.c
@@ -144,14 +144,25 @@
Java_sun_nio_ch_FileDispatcherImpl_force0(JNIEnv *env, jobject this,
jobject fdo, jboolean md)
jint fd = fdval(env, fdo);
int result = 0;
+#ifdef MACOSX
+#if defined(F_FULLFSYNC)
+ result = fcntl(fd, F_FULLFSYNC);
+ if (result == -1 && errno == ENOTSUP) {
+ /* Try fsync() in case F_FULLSYUNC is not implemented on the file system. */
+ result = fsync(fd);
+ }
+ result = fsync(fd);
+#endif /* defined(F_FULLSYNC) */
if (md == JNI_FALSE) {
result = fdatasync(fd);
} else {
#ifdef _AIX
/* On AIX, calling fsync on a file descriptor that is opened only for
* reading results in an error ("EBADF: The FileDescriptor parameter is
* not a valid file descriptor open for writing.").
@@ -159,17 +170,18 @@
* 'writable' attribute of the corresponding file channel so we have to
* use 'fcntl'.
int getfl = fcntl(fd, F_GETFL);
if (getfl >= 0 && (getfl & O_ACCMODE) == O_RDONLY) {
return 0;
+#endif /* _AIX */
result = fsync(fd);
+#endif /* MACOSX */
return handle(env, result, "Force failed");
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