RFR JDK-8141491: Unaligned memory access in Bits.c

John Rose john.r.rose at oracle.com
Thu Feb 4 06:27:06 UTC 2016

On Feb 2, 2016, at 11:25 AM, Mikael Vidstedt <mikael.vidstedt at oracle.com> wrote:
> Please review this change which introduces a Copy::conjoint_swap and an Unsafe.copySwapMemory method to call it from Java, along with the necessary changes to have java.nio.Bits call it instead of the Bits.c code.
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~mikael/webrevs/8141491/webrev.03/hotspot/webrev/
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~mikael/webrevs/8141491/webrev.03/jdk/webrev/

This is very good.

I have some nit-picks:

These days, when we introduce a new intrinsic (@HSIntrCand),
we write the argument checking code separately in a non-intrinsic
bytecode method.  In this case, we don't (yet) have an intrinsic
binding for U.copy*, but we might in the future.  (C intrinsifies
memcpy, which is a precedent.)  In any case, I would prefer
if we could structure the argument checking code in a similar
way, with Unsafe.java containing both copySwapMemory
and a private copySwapMemory0.  Then we can JIT-optimize
the safety checks.

You might as well extend the same treatment to the pre-existing
copyMemory call.  The most important check (and the only one
in U.copyMemory) is to ensure that the size_t operand has not
wrapped around from a Java negative value to a crazy-large
size_t value.  That's the low-hanging fruit.  Checking the pointers
(for null or oob) is more problematic, of course.  Checking consistency
around elemSize is cheap and easy, so I agree that the U.copySM
should do that work also.  Basically, Unsafe can do very basic
checks if there is a tricky user model to enforce, but it mustn't
"sign up" to guard the user against all errors.

Rule of thumb:  Unsafe calls don't throw NPEs, they just SEGV.
And the rare bit that *does* throw (IAE usually) should be placed
into Unsafe.java, not unsafe.cpp.  (The best-practice rule for putting
argument checking code outside of the intrinsic is a newer one,
so Unsafe code might not always do this.)

The comment "Generalizing it would be reasonable, but requires
card marking" is bogus, since we never byte-swap managed pointers.

The test logic will flow a little smoother if your GenericPointer guy,
the onHeap version, stores the appropriate array base offset in his offset field.
You won't have to mention p.isOnHeap nearly so much, and the code will
set a slightly better example.

The VM_ENTRY_BASE_FROM_LEAF macro is really cool.

The C++ template code is cool also.  It reminds me of the kind
of work Gosling's "Ace" processor could do, but now it's mainstreamed
for all to use in C++.  We're going to get some of that goodness
in Project Valhalla with specialization logic.

I find it amazing that the right way to code this in C is to
use memcpy for unaligned accesses and byte peek/poke
into registers for byte-swapping operators.  I'm glad we
can write this code *once* for the JVM and JDK.

Possible future work:  If we can get a better handle on
writing vectorizable loops from Java, including Unsafe-based
ones, we can move some of the C code back up to Java.
Perhaps U.copy* calls for very short lengths deserved to
be broken out into small loops of U.get/put* (with alignment).
I think you experimented with this, and there were problems
with the JIT putting fail-safe memory barriers between
U.get/put* calls.  Paul's work on Array.mismatch ran into
similar issues, with the right answer being to write manual
vector code in assembly.

Anyway, you can count me as a reviewer.


— John

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