RFR JDK-8141491: Unaligned memory access in Bits.c

Mikael Vidstedt mikael.vidstedt at oracle.com
Fri Feb 5 00:10:18 UTC 2016

On 2016-02-04 04:22, Andrew Haley wrote:
> On 02/02/2016 07:25 PM, Mikael Vidstedt wrote:
>> Please review this change which introduces a Copy::conjoint_swap and an
>> Unsafe.copySwapMemory method to call it from Java, along with the
>> necessary changes to have java.nio.Bits call it instead of the Bits.c code.
>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~mikael/webrevs/8141491/webrev.03/hotspot/webrev/
>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~mikael/webrevs/8141491/webrev.03/jdk/webrev/
> One other little thing: why are the byte-swapping methods in class nio.Bits
> not called copySwapSomething?  e.g.:

That sure would be a better name, wouldn't it? I'm not going to be 
changing the Bits method names as part of this change, but it does seem 
like a very reasonable follow-up enhancement.


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