Files.copy does userspace copies but FileChannel uses sendfile

Brian Burkhalter brian.burkhalter at
Wed Oct 12 00:41:35 UTC 2016

Hi Max,

I don’t know the historical context for this design, but after looking over the code a bit it seems that you have a point, at least for the case where Files.copy() is a non-interruptible file copy. For a non-interruptible file copy I do not see why sendfile() or its equivalent on the Unix platform in question could not be used. Whether a file copy is interruptible is set by an ExtendedOption in the CopyOption passed to [1].

If the foregoing is correct, the refactoring might better be done by moving the native transferTo0() functionality to UnixNativeDispatcher and having FileChannelImpl.transferToDirectlyInternal() and the non-interruptible case of Files.copy() call it.




On Oct 11, 2016, at 4:30 PM, Max Kanat-Alexander <mkanat at> wrote:

> java.nio.file.Files.copy uses this code, ultimately, to copy files:
> I was surprised that that didn't use sendfile when it's available. I was even more surprised that there is already another copying implementation in the JDK that _does_ use sendfile:
> Should these be merged? Or should the Java-side implementation of Files.copy be changed to use FileChannel underneath?
> -Max

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