Proposal for adding O_DIRECT support into JDK 9

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at
Wed Oct 12 13:50:47 UTC 2016

On 04/10/2016 18:24, Lu, Yingqi wrote:

> Hi Christoph,
> Thank you very much for trying our patch.
> We are still seeking the feedback from the community. When we get closer to the final version of the patch, we will modify the copyright years. Thank you for reminding us!
> Anyone else has any feedback/comments?

I've looked through the changes and have a number of concerns.

The main concern is that I/O with files opened for O_DIRECT will usually 
require the buffer to be page aligned and the buffer sized to be a 
multiple of the file system block size. The patch deals with the 
alignment by doing a posix_memalign + copy + free for every I/O 
operation. I don't know if you've tried doing a write with a ByteBuffer 
backed with an array in the heap but if I read the patch correctly then 
you'll end up copying it twice, once into a thread local direct buffer 
and then a second time into the temporary allocated buffer. Ditto for 
read where it will initially read it into a temporary allocated buffer, 
then into a thread local direct buffer, and finally into the user's 
buffer backed by an array in the heap. In the past when we've looked at 
this issue then the conclusion was that there needed to be a way to get 
a ByteBuffer that is appropriate aligned and also a way to get 
information about the file system to size I/O operations too. It is 
possible to do it transparently (like you are doing) but it requires the 
thread local buffer cache support aligned buffers.

Aside from that then the other concern is addding a direct flag to 
FileDescriptor. I would think it should be simpler to capture this in 
FileChannelImpl constructor and use that to send the I/O through the 
appropriate path (this avoids have the methods in IOUtils fan out).

It may have been mentioned in other mails but there aren't any tests in 
the patch and I think this will require a good set of tests in order to 
be confident with all the cases.


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