JDK 9 RFR of 8176332: Increase sleep time in java/nio/channels/Selector/ChangingInterests.java write1()

Brian Burkhalter brian.burkhalter at oracle.com
Wed Mar 8 20:46:12 UTC 2017

On Mar 8, 2017, at 8:10 AM, Alan Bateman <Alan.Bateman at oracle.com> wrote:

>> To reduce the odds of this happening, this patch increases the pause time from 50 to 150 ms, an execution time increase for the test of 400 ms total as the method write1() is invoked four times.
> This looks okay (longer is okay too) although it would be nice if there were a way to avoid the sleep.

I created an alternative version http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~bpb/8176332/webrev.01/ which does not depend on the SocketChannel becoming readable after a fixed sleep. This passed regression tests on all the usual platforms.


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