adding rsockets support into JDK

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at
Mon Apr 16 11:46:24 UTC 2018

On 15/04/2018 19:34, Lu, Yingqi wrote:
> :
> 3. The code base I use is Please let me know which repo I should rebase the patch to. I would rather do it sooner than later. This will make it easier for everyone to review the code :-)
The JDK master (some people call the main line) is:

All changes are pushed there. At some point it will be forked for JDK 
11, as it was done for JDK 10.

The SocketChannel implemented has changed quite a bit in JDK 11, as has 
the poll based SelectorProvider. I will it won't be too much work to 


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