RFR of JDK-8171404,(ch) java/nio/channels/AsynchronousSocketChannel/Basic.java failed with "AsynchronousCloseException expected"

Hamlin Li huaming.li at oracle.com
Wed Apr 18 05:54:15 UTC 2018

would you please review the following patch?



webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~mli/8171404/webrev.00/

On my local physical mac, the test takes about 30 seconds to finish, to 
give test sufficient time on extremely busy system and reduce the 
timeout chance, the timeout value is adjusted to 600, and let it run in 
a othervm.

On extreme situation, theoretically the test could fail in following cases:

a. 1. detected that write buffer is filled up in main thread, go ahead, 
2. pending write completed in async thread pool, 3. write concurrently 
to the channel in main thread before write starts in async thread pool, 
it will cause "WritePendingException expected"

b. 1. detected that write buffer is filled up in main thread, 2. get 
expected exception when write concurrently to the channel in main 
thread, 3. pending write completed in async thread pool, 4. ch.close() 
in main thread, 5. try to write to the closed channel in thread pool, it 
will cause "AsynchronousCloseException expected"

To fix these 2 issues,

1. set the receive buffer on server side to a minimal value;

2. spend more time when wait for filling up write buffer on busy system.

3. add log to collect more information in case it still fails.

Thank you


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