adding rsockets support into JDK

Lu, Yingqi at
Mon Jun 18 21:19:31 UTC 2018

Hi All,

I just created a CSR at the meantime. The link is available at

Please review this and let me know your feedback.

Thank you!

>-----Original Message-----
>From: nio-dev [mailto:nio-dev-bounces at] On Behalf Of Lu,
>Sent: Saturday, June 16, 2018 11:59 PM
>To: Alan Bateman <Alan.Bateman at>; nio-dev at
>Cc: Viswanathan, Sandhya <sandhya.viswanathan at>; Aundhe, Shirish
><shirish.aundhe at>; Kaczmarek, Eric <eric.kaczmarek at>
>Subject: RE: adding rsockets support into JDK
>Hi All,
>Here is the webrev.05 version of the patch:
>In this version, I did following changes:
>1. Fixed a small bug inside RdmaSocketImpl.GetOption.
>2. Took a subset of test cases from,,
>java.nio.channels.SocketChannel, java.nio.channels.ServerSocketChannel and
>java.nio.channels.Selector tests and modified them for RDMA based sockets,
>channels and selectors.
>I am still working on test cases for the 3 new RDMA socket options and will
>submit webrev.06 on Monday. At the meantime, please let me know your
>feedback and comments on the current test cases.
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Lu, Yingqi
>>Sent: Thursday, June 7, 2018 2:06 PM
>>To: 'Lu, Yingqi' < at>; Alan Bateman
>><Alan.Bateman at>; nio-dev at
>>Cc: Viswanathan, Sandhya <sandhya.viswanathan at>; Aundhe,
>>Shirish <shirish.aundhe at>; Kaczmarek, Eric
>><eric.kaczmarek at>
>>Subject: RE: adding rsockets support into JDK
>>Hi Alan,
>>I checked on librdmacm availability on different Linux distros. It is
>>at least available in Ubuntu, Arch Linux, Fedora/Centos/Red Hat, openSUSE and
>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>From: nio-dev [mailto:nio-dev-bounces at] On Behalf Of
>>>Lu, Yingqi
>>>Sent: Thursday, June 7, 2018 11:11 AM
>>>To: Alan Bateman <Alan.Bateman at>; nio-dev at
>>>Cc: Viswanathan, Sandhya <sandhya.viswanathan at>; Aundhe,
>>>Shirish <shirish.aundhe at>; Kaczmarek, Eric
>>><eric.kaczmarek at>
>>>Subject: RE: adding rsockets support into JDK
>>>Hi Alan,
>>>Thank you very much for your guidance on the tests. This is very helpful.
>>>I will look into SDP test cases and use them as a reference.
>>>In addition, I tested rsocket client and server on the same machine
>>>for both sockets and socket channels. InetAddress.getLocalHost() is
>>>used as the address for both server and client. The tests pass. Using
>>>sar[1], I see CPU cores are busy, but network does not show traffic. I
>>>think it might due to how rsocket handles local traffic (rsocket does
>>>not use loopback device). I also tested the same programs on two
>>>different machines and I saw network traffic shown on the RDMA network card.
>>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>>From: Alan Bateman [mailto:Alan.Bateman at]
>>>>Sent: Thursday, June 7, 2018 1:15 AM
>>>>To: Lu, Yingqi < at>; nio-dev at
>>>>Cc: Viswanathan, Sandhya <sandhya.viswanathan at>; Aundhe,
>>>>Shirish <shirish.aundhe at>; Kaczmarek, Eric
>>>><eric.kaczmarek at>
>>>>Subject: Re: adding rsockets support into JDK
>>>>On 05/06/2018 07:17, Lu, Yingqi wrote:
>>>>> Hi All,
>>>>> Here is the version #4 of the patch
>>>>> In this version, I have changed:
>>>>> 1. Remove
>>>>> 2. Remove the inheritance from
>>>>> SocketChannelImpl/ServerSocketChannelImpl,
>>>>replace it with SocketChannel/ServerSocketChannel.
>>>>> 3. Remove unnecessary setters from SocketImpl.
>>>>> 4. Override accept method to the ServerSocket returned by
>>>>> 5. Add a small comment to PollSelectorImpl.poll method 6. Clean up
>>>>> a little in
>>>>> I am still working on creating all the test cases. Do we need to
>>>>> replicate all the
>>>>tests from both Socket/ServerSocket and
>>>>or we only need to pick up a subset of the cases?
>>>>> Please review the patch and let me know your feedback and comments.
>>>>For tests then I think we should have a basic set of tests that
>>>>exercise each of the elements in the API. For each socket and channel
>>>>type then each of the methods in the API should be exercised. There
>>>>are several new socket options so they should be exercised too. So a
>>>>good start is a maintainable set of unit tests. I don't think you
>>>>should be concerned with duplicating all the existing tests as many
>>>>of those tests are regression tests or stress specific areas where
>>>>there were bugs in the
>>>>In general, I think testing is going to be a challenge for this
>>>>feature as it needs commitment to maintain the infrastructure needed
>>>>to test this feature and then running the tests at each release. When
>>>>we added the SDP support, it required maintaining a set of machines
>>>>with Infiniband HCAs and running the tests on a regular basis. I
>>>>assume something
>>>similar will be needed here.
>>>>When developing the jtreg tests then it's important that don't fail
>>>>on systems without RDMA hardware. For SDP, the tests checked for
>>>>/proc/net/sdp and would pass silently when not present. I hope there
>>>>is something easy to check for rsockets.
>>>>One thing that isn't clear to me is whether communication between
>>>>using sockets on the same machine, using an address plumbed to an
>>>>RDMA interface, will use the network or not. I guess I'm asking if
>>>>you are thinking about functional testing with two or more machines,
>>>>I assume you will at least be doing some of that when getting
>>>>performance data and
>>>comparing it to TCP or SDP connections.
>>>>On the build changes, then one thing that would be useful to know is
>>>>whether librdmacm is included in all distributions. If someone is
>>>>building on say Ubuntu will they need to install an additional
>>>>package installed. I bring this as we may need to do a bit more on
>>>>the build to probe for the library. In other areas, at least in the
>>>>past, we've had to resort to dynamic linking (dlopen/dlsym). I'm sure
>>>>we should do that here, instead I'm just wondering whether the
>>>>rsocket support will be compiled in
>>>when there it is not present on the build machine.
>>>>I skimmed quickly through the webrev and I think it's looking quite good.
>>>>RdmaNet defines only static methods so I don't think it needs to extends Net.
>>>>There is more to do on the javadoc for the new methods, also
>>>>RdmaSocketOptions. I can help out on that when the time comes.

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