adding rsockets support into JDK

Paul Sandoz paul.sandoz at
Thu Mar 8 16:55:49 UTC 2018

Hi Lucy,

The separation is the key thing. Then i presume it’s easier to decide to keep in the java.base module, put in the <> module, or even it’s own module. Did you consider the latter option? (Note I am not an expect in the specifics of this area so others are likely to have more informed advice on the specifics.)

Also may i suggest you consider submitting a JEP for this work (cannot recall if we discussed that before). It looks like there is sufficient work to justify a JEP and it gives good documentation/visibility for the feature. 


> On Mar 7, 2018, at 11:14 AM, Lu, Yingqi < at> wrote:
> Hi Alan and Paul, <>
> The first draft of the patch is available at <>. This version is based on our previous proposal. Here, we only enabled rsocket inside nio package on SocketChannel and ServerSocketChannel. We would like to share this and give you a quick view the feature itself J
> Based on your feedback, we are reconstructing the implementation. We isolate all RDMA-related implementations and put them into <> module. Currently, we are getting close on RdmaSocket and RdmaServerSocket (equivalent to Socket and ServerSocket from <> package). Before we continue on DatagramSocket and all the SocketChannels (nio package), we would like to get some feedback from you. Attached is a high level diagram on all the newly introduced classes. Please let us know if this is a proper way to implement the feature.
> Thanks,
> Lucy
> From: Paul Sandoz [mailto:paul.sandoz at <mailto:paul.sandoz at>] 
> Sent: Wednesday, January 17, 2018 8:54 AM
> To: Alan Bateman <Alan.Bateman at <mailto:Alan.Bateman at>>
> Cc: Lu, Yingqi < at < at>>; nio-dev at <mailto:nio-dev at>
> Subject: Re: adding rsockets support into JDK
> On 17 Jan 2018, at 03:33, Alan Bateman <Alan.Bateman at <mailto:Alan.Bateman at>> wrote:
> On 16/01/2018 22:08, Lu, Yingqi wrote:
> :
> The proposed API changes are:
> java.nio.channels.ServerSocketChannel
> public static ServerSocketChannel openRDMAChannel() throws IOException
> java.nio.channels.SocketChannel
> public static SocketChannel openRDMAChannel() throws IOException
> public static SocketChannel openRDMAChannel(SocketAddress remote) throws IOException
> java.nio.channels.spi.SelectorProvider
> public abstract SocketChannel openRDMAChannel() throws IOException;
> public abstract ServerSocketChannel openRDMAChannel() throws IOException;
> Hi Lucy,
> This sounds like a good project
> Agreed, and i think an important in cloud-like infrastructure environments.
> Lucy, do you know if RDMA supports SSL or something equivalent?
> but it will need discussion on how to integrate into the APIs. It might better to start out with factory methods on a JDK-specific class in the <> example. Alternatively, we could look at slotting it in as a new protocol family implementation along the lines of the method.
> Peeling the open methods and consolidating into a separate specific RDMA class or classes is i think better than spreading around the existing nio classes.
> It’s hard to provide more concrete guidance without a webrev, looking forward to that.
> Paul.
> <Diagram.pptx>

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