8202261: (fc) FileChannel.map and RandomAccessFile.setLength should not preallocate space

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at oracle.com
Fri May 11 08:12:25 UTC 2018

On 10/05/2018 15:02, Enrico Olivelli wrote:
> I confirm that with latest and greatest build of jdk11 Kafka index 
> files are no more "sparse"
> Thank you very much !
Thanks for checking this (I assume you mean the files continue to be 
sparse when extended).

> b.q. I have troubles subscribing to this list, I am able to subscribe 
> and receive mails for other openjdk lists (jigsaw, code-libs..) but 
> apparently I can't subscribe to this list. Any idea ?
Do you use more than one email address? Sometimes people subscribe with 
one address but send mail to the listing from a different address. 
Otherwise I don't know what the issue might be, I don't see the address 
you are currently using on the subscribers list.


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