RFR: JDK-8197398 (zipfs) OutOfMemoryError when talking contents of empty JAR file

Deepak Kejriwal deepak.kejriwal at oracle.com
Wed Nov 7 18:47:13 UTC 2018

Hi all,


Please help review the changes for JDK-8199776 to JDK8u:-


Master Bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8199776 

Webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~rpatil/8199776/webrev.00/




The Files.walkFileTree walk indefinitely while processing JAR file with "/" as a directory inside. 


Proposed fix:


Files.walkFileTree api for jar internally uses ZipfileSystem. While iterating over the zip entries we have added a check to see if entry name is equal to "/" (absolute path). If the entry name is equal to "/" we don't add it to "inodes" map so that we don't end up with infinite loop.


We have similar bug HYPERLINK "https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8197398"JDK-8197398 fixed in jdk 12. Below is the difference between fix for jdk 12 and jdk 8:-

The fix for above issue for jdk 12 handle a case where we can update an existing entry in jar with "/" (absolute path).  As in case of jdk 8 we cannot update the existing zipentry as doing so we get "FileAlreadyExistsException". Therefore, fix for jdk 8u does not consider this case.




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