adding rsockets support into JDK

Chris Hegarty chris.hegarty at
Fri Nov 30 17:37:31 UTC 2018


> On 30 Nov 2018, at 17:19, Lu, Yingqi < at> wrote:
> Hi Chris,
> Thanks very much for the help! 
> I fully understand that the timeline for JDK12 is very tight. Given there are still two weeks till Dec.13th deadline for code integration, I would like still give it a try and see how far we can make. If yes, great. If not, we can trunk the code as soon as it is ready. Then JDK13 will be the target :-) For CSR, we can set the target to 13 for now.
> Does this sound reasonable?

While this work is making very good progress, I just don't see how it
can be ready to push before JDK 12 RDP 1. I and others are prioritising
the code review and sending feedback, and I have more comments
forthcoming. Testing to date has been challenging for us, but we are
making some progress on that front.

The CSR Fix Version should indicate the release in which the change is
expected to be pushed. There can be some latency moving through the
various stages when such a project nears completion. At this point I
would be more comfortable to target 13.


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