8220477: Channels.newWriter() does not close if underlying channel throws an IOException

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at oracle.com
Fri Apr 12 07:18:46 UTC 2019

On 11/04/2019 22:36, Brian Burkhalter wrote:
> Revisiting the failure mentioned above, it turns out that this is 
> because a StreamEncoder for an OutputStream does not flush the stream 
> before closing it. It seems like it should. (I don’t know whether this 
> should perhaps be the subject of a separate issue.) The webrev [1] for 
> the current issue 8220477 is updated to do this. The difference versus 
> the previous webrev is [2]. It might be overkill to handle the 
> IOException from OutputStream.flush() instead of just ignoring it, I’m 
> not sure.
It seems reasonable but it adds complexity to prefer the exception from 
flush over the close. The alternative is the much simpler:

try {
} finally {

As always, if the flush fails then it's possible that the close will 
attempt to flush again so there may be several suppressed exceptions.


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