5029431: (bf) Add absolute bulk put and get methods

Ulf Zibis Ulf.Zibis at CoSoCo.de
Sat Feb 9 15:18:52 UTC 2019

Am 09.02.19 um 14:50 schrieb Alan Bateman:
> On 09/02/2019 13:37, Ulf Zibis wrote:
>> Hi,
>> couldn't you take advantage of System.arraycopy() or some performancing
>> intrinsics?
> Which case are you concerned about? I haven't had time to study the
> latest revision but it should already be using Unsafe copyMemory or
> arraycopy for all the bulk copy cases.

I only had looked into *X-Buffer.java.template*, where a normal for loop
is used, for *Heap-X-Buffer.java.template* and
*Direct-X-Buffer.java.template* you are right.


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