Invalid argument exception when trying to seek FilePosition to LONG.MAX_VALUE

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at
Tue Jun 4 18:15:28 UTC 2019

On 04/06/2019 18:13, Karan Mehta wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> Apache bookkeeper project uses Java NIO to read journal files from 
> disk. Recently a change was made that would seek the file to 
> LONG.MAX_VALUE. When we tried running this on a test inside a docker 
> container with openjdk:8-jdk image, it results in IOException. The 
> patch fix PR is here <>. 
> Furthermore, running it inside the same container on different 
> hardware throws IOException either while seeking the file to 
> LONG.MAX_VALUE or when reading the file at that value as per the link 
> of the interface here 
> <>. 
> Checkout the comment here 
> <>. 
> I am suspecting this to be a JNI related issue or bug. Let me know 
> what you all think and if there's any better way to figure this out.
I just checked this on macOS and Linux. macOS seems happy with lseek'ing 
to LONG.MAX_VALUE, Linux does not:

[pid 34168] lseek(4, 9223372036854775807, SEEK_SET) = -1 EINVAL (Invalid 

I see the man page on Linux includes "or beyond the end of a seekable 
device" in the possible reasons for EINVAL and I assume this is why it 

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