RFR 8216417: cleanup of IPv6 scope-id handling

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at oracle.com
Tue Jun 11 12:19:08 UTC 2019

On 11/06/2019 12:11, Michael McMahon wrote:
> Thanks for the review Alan.
> I've made the changes suggested by you and Daniel
> and added a test to Scoping.java for checking the connected IP address.
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~michaelm/8216417/webrev.3/index.html
One suggestion for the AbstractPlainSocketImpl connect methods is to set 
this.address and this.port together and include a comment to say that 
the socket address is recorded before attempting to connect.

A few formatting nits to check: AbstractPlainDatagramSocketImpl L134 and 
the spurious blank line at IPAddressUtil L355.

In the PromiscuousIPv6 test then I'm wondering if the check for the 
3.10.0.* kernel is needed or not. I suspect this may have been in 
Pavel's original changes. Maybe Pavel has the history on that?

I see the Scoping test has been expanded. In datagramTest you can use 
try-with-resources. Also shouldn't there be an equivalent for 

Everything else looks good.


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