[14] RFC: 8219644: java/nio/file/Files/CopyAndMove.java: Test threw exception: java.lang.RuntimeException: AtomicMoveNotSupportedException expected

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at oracle.com
Thu Jun 13 18:03:29 UTC 2019

On 13/06/2019 18:51, Brian Burkhalter wrote:
> https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8219644
> This particular problem was due to two Windows paths beginning with 
> “c:” and “C:” respectively being considered as different FileStores. 
> This is because equals() depends on String.equals() applied to the 
> “root” instance variable in WindowsFileStore. Could this perhaps be 
> changed to equalsIgnoreCase() (and hashCode() to use toLowerCase())? 
> Is “root” always a drive letter or do other mount types come into play?
It's also used to create a FileStore for files on UNCs so care is needed.

> Or maybe the test could be changed to be robust to case?
That would be fine but worth investigating if WindowsFileStore needs 
changes too.

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