RFR 8213031: (zipfs) Add support for POSIX file permissions

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at oracle.com
Sat May 18 09:31:41 UTC 2019

On 09/05/2019 16:16, Langer, Christoph wrote:
> Hi Alan,
> I've got a new iteration for the zipfs POSIX support and addressed your concerns: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~clanger/webrevs/8213031.9/
Thanks. I think you've addressed most of my points. The only thing that 
isn't clear is the group owner as I thought we had converged on using 
the zip file's group owner.  If I read the code correctly then it uses 
the file owner (and makes the assumption that defaultOwner is 
initialized before initGroup is called).

In passing, the name of the PosixFileAttributeView implementation should 
probably be ZipPosixFileAttributeView rather than 
ZipFilePosixAttributeViewPosix. Also EntryPosix extends Entry, should 
probably be PosixEntry. Not important as these are internal but noticed 
them when scanning the changes.

Also in passing, there are several places using 
AccessController.doPrivileged that are bit ugly due to the casting. The 
doPrivileged methods are awkward to use with lambda expressions (not 
your doing) but one approach that I find readable is to separate the 
creation of the action, e.g. file the zip file owner it could be:

PrivilegedExceptionAction<UserPrincipal> pa = () -> Files.getOwner(zfpath);
return AccessController.doPrivileged(pa).

In the same area, the code in initOwner catches UOE but that will always 
be wrapped in PAE.

Not important to the discussion here of course.

> :
> I have updated module-info a little bit to reflect the latest changes. Is it now time to focus on the CSR?
The "For extended POSIX support ..." paragraph has the property name 
from a previous iteration so I assume you'll update that. I think it 
would be using to put quotes around the names too. It also specifies the 
fallback group owner to be the file owner but I think we converged on 
use the zip file's group owner where possible.

A small bit of word smiting required but I think this is really close to 
writing the CSR.


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