RFR: 8207851: Implement JEP 352

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at oracle.com
Sun May 26 18:25:29 UTC 2019

On 23/05/2019 11:55, Andrew Dinn wrote:
> Hi,
> Could I please have reviews of the following change set which implements
> JEP 352:
> JEP:    https://openjdk.java.net/jeps/352
> JIRA:   https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8207851
> webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~adinn/8207851/webrev.00/
> I would also very much like to target this implementation for JDK13.
You may want to take a pass over the JEP to make sure that everything is 
accurate. I notice, for example, the section on BufferPoolMXBean has the 
old name READ_ONLY_PERSISTENT. We went through a couple of iterations in 
the discussion here so there might be a few others.

I think the API changes are okay. I don't see a CSR yet but I assume 
you'll get to that soon.

I've read through the changes to java.base and jdk.unsupported.

Just a few minor points:

- I assume the update FileChannel.java should be dropped as it's just a 
left over from when we agreed to split out the updates to the Java SE API.

- com.sun.nio.file.ExtendedMapMode.*_SYNC are missing javadoc, or rather 
the descriptions are truncated with "...". I think this dates from when 
were working out the right place to expose these constants. The source 
file (and the internal ExtendedMapModes are missing copyright headers too).

- We didn't discuss the name of the buffer pool that is exposed through 
the JMX/management interface. We could take inspiration from the names 
of the CodeHeap spaces that are exposed with MemoryPoolMXBeans as there 
is an established convention for naming there, e.g. "mapped - 
'non-volatile memory'".

- Minor nit in Unmapper is that the methods to increment/decrement the 
usage should use Java conventions so probably should be incrementUsage 
and decrementUsage.

- PmemTest. This is awkward and I wonder if it should be @run 
main/manual rather than @ignore. Also `@modules jdk.unsupported` would 
be useful to ensure it will be skipped if run with a test JDK that 
doesn't have this module.


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