RFR 8252248: __SIGRTMAX is not declared in musl libc
Alan Bateman
Alan.Bateman at oracle.com
Fri Aug 28 12:55:59 UTC 2020
On 28/08/2020 12:25, Alexander Scherbatiy wrote:
> Hello,
> Could you review the updated fix:
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~alexsch/8252248/webrev.01/
> - moving shared code to net_util_md.h is avoided
> - INTERRUPT_SIGNAL is defined as SIGRTMAX - 2 instead of __SIGRTMAX -
> 2 for Linux in NativeThread.c
> - "#include <pthread.h>" is moved out from "#ifdef" in NativeThread.c
> - sigWakeup is changed to "#define WAKEUP_SIGNAL (SIGRTMAX - 2)" in
> linux_close.c
> At least test/jdk/java/net/Socket/asyncClose/AsyncClose.java touches
> all four methods where the signal changes are used:
> NativeThread.c
> - Java_sun_nio_ch_NativeThread_init(JNIEnv *env, jclass cl)
> - Java_sun_nio_ch_NativeThread_signal(JNIEnv *env, jclass cl, jlong
> thread)
> linux_close.c
> - __attribute((constructor)) init()
> - closefd(int fd1, int fd2)
NativeThread current/signal will be exercised by the tests in
The code in linux_close.c is only used with the old (and not used by
default) SocketImpl and DatagramSocketImpl implementation. Some of the
tests jdk_net test group will re-run the tests with the old
implementation so you should be okay.
> I run test/jdk/java/net tests on Ubuntu 18.04.4 and Alpine Linux
> 3.11.6 with musl libc 1.1.24.
> There are 10 failed tests but they fail without the fix as well. I
> believe that it is because of some network settings of my machine.
Sometimes there is will firewall or iptables configuration need to allow
multicast datagrams to be received.
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