RFR[8246707]: '(sc) SocketChannel.read/write throws AsynchronousCloseException on closed channel'
Alan Bateman
Alan.Bateman at oracle.com
Thu Jul 16 16:26:28 UTC 2020
On 16/07/2020 17:03, Conor Cleary wrote:
> Hi all,
> Could someone please take a look at my webrev for JDK-8246707 '(sc)
> SocketChannel.read/write throws AsynchronousCloseException on closed
> channel'?
> This fix addresses an issue where an AsynchronousCloseException was
> being thrown instead of a ChannelClosedException when
> SocketChannel.write() is called on a /closed/ SocketChannel.
> bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8246707
> webrev:
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~ccleary/issues/webrevs-store/8246707/webrevs/webrev.02/
Thanks for this, this was an oversight when this code was refactored.
It's not technically wrong to throw a sub-class of
ChannelClosedException but AsynchronousCloseException could indeed be
confusion. Are you planning to include a test? It may be that some of
the existing tests to check that ChannelClosedException is thrown on a
closed channel could be updated to check that the exception is not
As regards the change, then for consistency I would like to see
blockingRead, blockingWriteFully and sendOutOfBandData also call
ensureOpenAndConnected before checking the blocking mode. That will keep
them consistent with read/write. Also the beginWrite(true) in
blockingWriteFully should be inside the try block rather than outside
(okay if that is done as a separate issue if needed but it's all in the
same area so I mention it here).
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