[16] 8249772: (ch) Improve sun/nio/ch/TestMaxCachedBufferSize.java

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at oracle.com
Sun Jul 26 07:53:05 UTC 2020

On 20/07/2020 22:41, Brian Burkhalter wrote:
> To resolve [1] the proposed change [2] would:
> 1. Compare the ending values of the direct buffer pool count and total capacity with their respective starting values instead of with zero.
> 2. Replace the use of Random with a SplittableRandom obtained from RandomFactory.
> 3. Increase the intra-loop verbosity from 2 to 10 prints per thread.
I think this looks okay, just make sure it runs many times on all 
platforms before pushing to ensure that it is stable.

In passing, the imports on this test are a bit messy and should be 
re-ordered. Also would be nicer to avoid the line break at L80-81. No 
need for another webrev if you do these cleanups.


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