RFR: [XS] 8250770 : Net.java translateToSocketException does not handle IOException

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at oracle.com
Wed Jul 29 12:54:44 UTC 2020

On 29/07/2020 12:14, Baesken, Matthias wrote:
> Hi Alan,  I found a few JDK15 jck errors  related to this one in our 
> test-DB . So yes, it  is a JDK15 issue as well .
Can you add jdk15-fix-request to the issue with a comment requesting 
approval for jdk/jdk15? I can approve and that will get this regression 
out of the way.

Also is there anything special about these test runs or Windows 
machines? The issue hints that there are network interfaces configured 
with IPv6 but the tests are being run with preferIPv4Stack=true.


[1] http://openjdk.java.net/jeps/3#Fix-Request-Process
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