RFR 8241305: Add protocol specific factory creation methods to SocketChannel and ServerSocketChannel

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at oracle.com
Fri May 8 10:52:11 UTC 2020

On 08/05/2020 10:41, Michael McMahon wrote:
> Hi Alan
> I think we have dealt with your comments below. As regards the 
> question about platform
> specific differences shown by the OpenAndConnect test, yes much of it 
> results in the case
> where the server binds to a wildcard address and then the client 
> connects to that.
> It was a surprise to me that the API supports that at all, which it 
> does. So, the test
> is really just documenting the differences. It does seem to be mostly 
> windows that disallows it.
It looks a bit strange to try connect a DatagramChannel to a target that 
is any address. Daniel, Patrick and I have chatted about a few times. It 
comes up with tests that bind to the wildcard address and then use 
getLocalAddress to get the target address for the test. One possibility 
is to translate it to a specific address (as is done in SocketChannel 
and java.net.Socket) but that is something for a separate issue and not 
clear to me that we should adding a test for it here.

Would it possible to summarize the other Windows specific issues that 
are being "documented" ?


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