RFR: 8256461: AbstractFileSystemProvider.getSunPathForSocketCall for empty Path returns '.'

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at oracle.com
Tue Nov 17 14:18:29 UTC 2020

On 17/11/2020 14:05, Michael McMahon wrote:
> The problem is that bind already throws a BindException, but for a 
> different (confusing and incorrect)
> reason. I didn't really want to put a test in checking the exception 
> text, and thought a white box test
> of the lower level method might be better.
I would prefer if there were a test in the unixdomain directory for 
this. If there is no way to test this with the bind method then maybe 
you could move the test for getSunPathForSocketFile to that location. My 
main concern is that it complicates local testing when working on the 
file system API. The getSunPathForSocketFile is for Unix domain socket 
use only.


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