RFR: 8265891: (ch) InputStream returned by Channels.newInputStream should override transferTo [v13]

Markus KARG github.com+1701815+mkarg at openjdk.java.net
Sun Aug 15 13:40:36 UTC 2021

On Fri, 13 Aug 2021 12:54:55 GMT, Alan Bateman <alanb at openjdk.org> wrote:

> > Does it make **any** real sense to answer your recent questions, provide the proofs, tests and benchmark results (I actually would love to _if_ it makes sense) _or_ will the outcome be that I _must_ drop everything besides file channels _anyways_ (In that case it is in vain)? As my time is just as precious as yours I really need to know that **before** I spend more weeks into code paths that you possibly decided to never accept ever. Don't get me wrong, if you see a chance to keep the code once I provided the answers I will do that, but if you do not see that chance, please frankly and unambiguously tell me **now**. Thanks.
> I think the best course of action is to reduce the scope of this PR to the file channel cases. There is no reason why future PRs can't build on this and add implementations for other channel types.

Agreed, I will split this PR into several PRs, so we can start with the low-hanging fruits first and later dive into the more complex cases.


PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jdk/pull/4263

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