TempFileHelper java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid prefix or suffix

Michael Hall mik3hall at gmail.com
Tue Aug 31 16:28:48 UTC 2021

> On Aug 31, 2021, at 10:59 AM, Michael Hall <mik3hall at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Do you see this with other JDK releases too? Is it possible that java.io.tmpdir has been set on the command line?
> I haven’t tried this yet. It means invoking jpackage indicating a earlier jdk. I can do this. Since I’ve sort of gathered 17 and 18 changes are sort of going in parallel right now I’ll try to go back to 16.

When you have some things working it’s not all that easy to fall back to where they were broken. 
But, yes, just changing to jdk16 and it works. No error.
Changing to 17 at this point would be easy if you want me to try that?

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