RFR: 8262844: FileStore.supportsFileAttributeView might return false negative in case of ext3

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at oracle.com
Wed Mar 3 11:34:13 UTC 2021

On 03/03/2021 11:10, Arno Zeller wrote:
> :
> I can add that RHEL 8.3 also has extended attributes as default mount option for ext3 and will not show up in /proc/mounts.
> To me it seems that the default was changed some time ago, but it might not be so easy to find a kernel version that enabled it by default as it was in case of ext4.
Okay, it seems there is enough evidence now that extended attributes are 
enabled on ext3 on several distributions so I think we'll have to 
proceed with this.


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