Replacing default FileSystemProvider

Michael Hall mik3hall at
Sun Mar 21 00:10:30 UTC 2021

> On Mar 20, 2021, at 7:01 PM, Bernd Eckenfels <ecki at> wrote:
> Hello Michael,
> If your App expects additional attributes it could be custom enough to request custom provider, it seems like you don’t need to replace the system wide default, which is easier.

The provider itself was intended for use by any application that wanted java access to the supported Mac native api’s. The FileManager class demonstrated such application usage.

> I am not sure if it is easy to stay within a filesystem provider, but I expect as long as the app does not repeatingly resolve file URLs that should work.. (with Apache VFS that would be harder)
> Do you have a simple reproducer sample for testing?

I did. Earlier in this thread I had provided a simple test case. When I didn’t seem to be making progress there I went back to my full code.
I could probably reproduce the java 1.8 works, current doesn’t from my prior with the simple test case if the nio people indicate an interest.

Not familiar with Apache VFS

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