RFR: 4860681: (bf) Add CharBuffer absolute bulk put method for CharSequence [v3]

Brian Burkhalter bpb at openjdk.org
Fri Jul 14 15:54:22 UTC 2023

On Thu, 13 Jul 2023 19:28:24 GMT, Brian Burkhalter <bpb at openjdk.org> wrote:

>> Add to `java.nio.CharBuffer` an absolute bulk put method which takes a `CharSequence` as its source of `char`s.
> Brian Burkhalter has updated the pull request incrementally with one additional commit since the last revision:
>   4860681: Change some {@code ...} to <code>...</code> to prevent line breaking

Performance of heap and direct buffer specializations versus generic `X-Buffer` changes only:

```Generic X-Buffer changes only
Benchmark                  (length)   Mode  Cnt        Score       Error  Units
PutCharSequence.putDirect      1024  thrpt    5  2655951.820 ± 30551.074  ops/s
PutCharSequence.putDirect     32768  thrpt    5    87286.331 ±  1493.683  ops/s
PutCharSequence.putDirect     65536  thrpt    5    41029.857 ±   587.599  ops/s
PutCharSequence.putHeap        1024  thrpt    5  2048416.307 ±  9127.354  ops/s
PutCharSequence.putHeap       32768  thrpt    5   104206.140 ±  2945.981  ops/s
PutCharSequence.putHeap       65536  thrpt    5    52126.813 ±  1899.363  ops/s

Heap and Direct specializations
Benchmark                  (length)   Mode  Cnt         Score        Error  Units
PutCharSequence.putDirect      1024  thrpt    5   4990301.930 ± 183735.783  ops/s
PutCharSequence.putDirect     32768  thrpt    5    318722.656 ±   8077.988  ops/s
PutCharSequence.putDirect     65536  thrpt    5    155942.514 ±   9393.195  ops/s
PutCharSequence.putHeap        1024  thrpt    5  28828706.355 ± 625628.365  ops/s
PutCharSequence.putHeap       32768  thrpt    5    725648.311 ±  24331.955  ops/s
PutCharSequence.putHeap       65536  thrpt    5    433791.513 ±   5310.098  ops/s


PR Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/13744#issuecomment-1636050679

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