UNIX domain sockets bug on Windows

Brian Stafford Brian.Stafford at microsoft.com
Fri Mar 10 00:20:36 UTC 2023

Hi Mike,

We'll follow up on this bug report with the Windows team.

Brian Stafford 
Principal Software Engineering Manager 
Java Engineering Group 
brstaffo at microsoft.com 

> Thanks Michael, that's been a very useful suggestion. After I mailed,
> we discovered a VM that could repro the problem. This let us check the
> theory that it's FS virt related and indeed it is; disabling it fixes
> the issue. It is still worth working around it in the JVM because not
> everyone will see this thread and apps distributed via the MS Store
> using their standard instructions will hit it.
> To readers from the future! You have two ways to fix this if you're
> using a JVM/Windows build with the issue. One way is to add the
> following to the appropriate sections of your appx manifest:
> <Properties>
>   <virtualization:FileSystemWriteVirtualization>
>     <virtualization:ExcludedDirectories>
>       <virtualization:ExcludedDirectory>$(KnownFolder:LocalAppData)\Temp\JavaSockets</virtualization:ExcludedDirectory>
>     </virtualization:ExcludedDirectories>
>   </virtualization:FileSystemWriteVirtualization>
> </Properties>
> <Capabilities>
>   <rescap:Capability Name="unvirtualizedResources" />
> </Capabilities>
> and then on Windows set the system property jdk.net.unixdomain.tmpdir
> = "%LOCALAPPDATA%/Temp/JavaSockets"
> Or a better way, head over to https://hydraulic.software/ and download
> Conveyor which works around this bug and (sadly) several other Windows
> bugs for you.

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