RFR: 8310994: Add JFR event for selection operations [v3]

Daniel Fuchs dfuchs at openjdk.org
Thu Apr 11 09:15:42 UTC 2024

On Mon, 26 Feb 2024 17:40:59 GMT, Alan Bateman <alanb at openjdk.org> wrote:

>> Is n == 0 intended to detect a spinning condition where the selector goes back into select when the event has not been handled?
>> In that case should we still emit an event if a timeout is present and the duration is greater than the timeout? For instance, in the HttpClient, we have a selector thread that will wake up at regular interval - we set up a timeout which is the min between the next expected timer event and 1500ms. So that could potentially fire an event every 1500ms if for instance the connection threshold is less than 1500ms and the connection is idle.
>> Maybe that's OK - and maybe in that case the onus is on the user to set a threshold greater than 1500ms?
>> Or should it be ((n == 0 && durationToMillis(duration) < timeoutToMillis(timeout)) || ...)) (duration and timeout probably are not in the same unit of time) - also if shouldCommit return false will the event actually be emitted down the road? Because if not then the ( n== 0 || ...) won't work.
>> Maybe that's OK - and maybe in that case the onus is on the user to set a threshold greater than 1500ms?
> The threshold is 20ms so these timed-select ops in the HTTP client will record an event when they timeout.

We should probably find a way to not emit the event if n == 0 and the operation was interrupted by `Selector.wakeUp`. Since we have another issue logged to emit a spin event, I wonder if we should only commit the event here if `n != 0`? The case where n == 0 would be handled by the spin event (added later) 
@AlanBateman what do you think?


PR Review Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/16710#discussion_r1560693482

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