Source code for JavaFX UI controls now available on openjfx

Brian Beck brian.beck at
Fri Dec 2 16:34:46 PST 2011

On 12/2/11 4:25 PM, Mario Torre wrote:
> Hi Brian,
> Sorry I misunderstood, I was expecting something similar to the binary plugs we had in OpenJDK, not a full version of the current release, hence the question.
Makes sense.  And in fact, I expect that we'll have binary plugs in the 
OpenJDK style once we get a bit more of the platform moved into the 
open.  But right now this seemed to get us going the fastest.
> Speaking about this, do you think we can have some "specs" about the internal interfaces?
Yes, I do.  This is another thing we've talked about but just aren't 
ready with.  I'm hoping to get a wiki set up that can be used for this 
sort of documentation.  I'm in negotiations with the folks who control 
the OpenJDK infrastructure but I don't have any resolution yet.  And of 
course we will have to write a lot of that documentation.  That's not 
always high on our list when products need to be shipped.  :-)

Again, we know this is rough at the moment but we expect it to improve 
rapidly.  Our philosophy was to get the code out fast and then evolve 
the project as a community rather than make everything smooth from day 
one.  We'll see whether or not that was a good idea.


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