Source code for JavaFX UI controls now available on openjfx

Kevin Rushforth kevin.rushforth at
Sat Dec 3 08:37:37 PST 2011

Sounds good. I will be traveling for a while so won't be as responsive 
over the next week or so. Maybe one of the controls guys can take a look.

-- Kevin

Roman Kennke wrote:
> Hi Kevin,
>> Also, in general I would want to be careful putting something in
>> javafx-ui-controls just because it's there. If the right place for it
>> is something that is currently in the closed source, then that's an
>> indicator of something that should probably wait.
> Absolutely. It's not like the code doesn't exist or cannot be worked on
> only because it's not in JavaFX ;-) If the right place for this is not
> open yet (because it references Java2D and AWT/Swing) then let's wait.
> I'd be happy if you take a look anyway, maybe you can find something
> cool to improve in the meantime. Also, if the Canvas2D becomes
> available, let us know :-)
> Cheers, Roman

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