ImageView should have shorthand creation function

Daniel Zwolenski zonski at
Thu Dec 8 01:41:53 PST 2011

Option 1 is better for FXML (although we can just use builders). Gets my vote anyway. 

Will the URL be relative to the classpath? I.e will the implementation be equivalent to Image.getClass().getResource and will this be ok in deployed apps I think there have been issues with this on other areas (I think multiple classloaders are used in deploy mode). 

On 08/12/2011, at 8:12 PM, Lubomir Nerad <lubomir.nerad at> wrote:

> Hi,
> I am looking at It requests to add a possibility to create image view and its image from url in one step. What I think should be discussed is whether to add this as a new constructor to the ImageView class or as a static factory method.
> So the options are:
> 1) public ImageView(String url) { ... }
> 2) public static ImageView image(String url) { ... }  (or another name)
> Unless we expect that we will need more possibilities for image specification (more shorthand creation methods) in the future, I am leaning towards option 1.
> What do you think?
> Thanks,
> Lubo

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