Supporting the Mac OS menubar in JavaFX

steve.x.northover at steve.x.northover at
Fri Dec 9 17:04:50 PST 2011

Right.  I knew that at one point (MenuItem and friends are not Nodes).  
They take a Node as a graphic and that would be really interesting if 
someone put a web browser in there!


On 09/12/2011 7:38 PM, Jonathan Giles wrote:
> Just as a further data point to what Jim is saying: the 
> javafx.scene.control.Menu* classes (MenuItem, and subclasses Menu, 
> RadioMenuItem, CheckMenuItem, CustomMenuItem and SeparatorMenuItem) 
> are not actually Controls. The only Menu* class that is a Control is 
> MenuBar.
> From this perspective, it is actually unfortunate that these 
> non-Control classes actually live in javafx-ui-control, as they may be 
> totally suitable in the abstract sense that Jim discusses.

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