[REVIEW] Make controller instantiation customizable

Tom Schindl tom.schindl at bestsolution.at
Tue Dec 13 19:27:18 PST 2011


Having thought about this even more I think classloading is not the only
thing people might customize, the same goes for event and field binding,
all what I'd summerize below resolving and wireing.

I think we could address some of Daniel's requests and the classloading
with one delegating class people could customize.

It could look like this:

FXMLLoader f ....
f.setWireing(new DefaultWireing() {

  public Class<?> loadClass(String fxmlFileId, String name) {


  public ElementBinder getControllerElementBinder(
    String fxmlFileId,
    Object controller, // might be null
    String elementId) {


  public MethodBinder getControllerMethodBinder(
     String fxmlFileId,
     Object controller, // might be null
     String methodName,
     Class<?>... arguments) {


  public String loadIncludeFile(
      String fxmlFileId,
      String includeFilePath) {



The reason I think FXMLLoader#setClassloader(Classloader)) is not enough
is that one could include a child fxml-Files who might need a complete
different Classloader.

To identify a fxml-File I'd suggest to add something like fx:componentid
but this is not a must and we could also pass the FQN-Name of the
fxml-File to identify it.


Am 14.12.11 00:50, schrieb Greg Brown:
>> Might I suggest that you add the possibility to set a custom classloader
>> to FXMLLoader (FXMLLoader#setClassloader(Classloader)) which is used for
>> the class look up?
> This might be a good alternative. Let me give that some thought.
> Thanks,
> G

B e s t S o l u t i o n . a t                        EDV Systemhaus GmbH
tom schindl                 geschäftsführer/CEO
eduard-bodem-gasse 5-7/1   A-6020 innsbruck     fax      ++43 512 935833
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