Maven JavaFx native libraries and OSGi

Tom Schindl tom.schindl at
Wed Dec 14 08:47:34 PST 2011


> Obvious question here would you expect Java to explode the JAR in
> order to dynamic load the native libraries?
> How is this achieved with OSGi?

OSGi handles the exploding and dll-Loading transparently for you. I'll
have to look up the Equinox code to see how they are handling it.

> I do not want to confuse packaging of artifacts with the execution of
> them. With your Layout 1 the javafx-all-in-one.jar
> would be downloaded a temporary folder and then exploded, and then the
> ClassPath set up.
> I am unsure if this would work with a Maven Java Executable as is.
> So in short you would write this:
> <dependency>
> 	<groupId></groupId>
> 	<artifactId>javafx-java-all-in-one</artifactId>
> 	<version>2.0.2</version>
> </dependency>
> I assume you are expecting some magic to explode the JAR and push the
> native libraries to known locations in the Maven repository.

For OSGi I don't need this and e.g. in Eclipse I'm fine with a jar that
holds the OSGi meta info in it because this is all handled by PDE (would
need to take a look at BND-Tooling but it should handle this as well)


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