Problems with depth buffering in JFXPanel

Kirill.Prazdnikov kirill.prazdnikov at
Sun Dec 18 01:17:44 PST 2011

Hi Adam,

If it is exactly the same issue described in RT-17446, i`ll look into it.
If not, please file new one.


On 17.12.2011 13:31, Adam Granger wrote:
> Greetings.
> When I embed a 3D scene in a JFXPanel it appears to be rendered without depth-buffering (i.e. things behind show through the front)
> This seems to be the same issue as this un-answered bug, at least visually the same:
> - I create using the Scene(node, width, height, depthBuffer) constructor using depthBuffer = true.
> - setDepthTest(DepthTest.ENABLE) is set on all nodes (not sure if necessary but out of desperation)
> - The _exact_ same scene when used via a subclass of Application renders perfectly
>      =>  must be something to do with JFXPanel rather than my code / GPU ??
> - I need to embed in an existing Swing app (JFrame) so using an Application subclass isn't really possible
> - tried to find the source to debug myself but JFXPanel / Application parts are closed source - so really need from someone on the team :)
> - seen in jfx 2.0.2 on a windows 7 machine, nVidia...?
> - tried with the -D verbose options, in both cases d3d pipeline created successfully etc.
>      * Apologies for lack of detail, this happened at work, and I'm at home for weekend now, I'll get full driver versions on Monday.
> My questions:
>   - anyone speculate to cause, or offer a workaround?
>   - does a scene created via a subclass of Application do something that is fundamentally different to JFXPanel embedding? - perhaps some initialisation is missed.
> Many thanks to anyone who can help.
> Adam

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