Affine transforms - matrix algebra
Pavel Safrata
pavel.safrata at
Mon Aug 13 08:19:14 PDT 2012
On 13.8.2012 16:48, Pavel Safrata wrote:
> Hello,
> here is my new proposal. The list of changes would be pretty long so
> I'm going to ask you to read the whole thing once more.
> Thanks,
> Pavel
> New enum MatrixType { MT_2D_2x3, MT_2D_3x3, MT_3D_3x4, MT_3D_4x4 }
> // specifies type of matrix
> // causes IllegalArgumentException whenever a 2D type is requested
> for a 3D transform
> New NoninvertibleTransformException
> New TransformChangedEvent with single event type TRANSFORM_CHANGED
> On Point3D class:
> public double getDistance(Point3D point)
> // Gets distance from the given point
Oh, I've just realized that we already have
> public Point3D add(Point3D point)
> // Creates a point with distances from origin added (adds two
> vectors)
> public Point3D subtract(Point3D point)
> // Creates a point with the given point's distances from
> origin subtracted
> // (subtracts two vectors)
> public Point3D normalize()
> // Gets a point in the same direction from the origin with
> distance from the origin equal to one
> // (normalizes a vector)
> ? should the above three methods be named getSomething to stress
> that the operation doesn't modify the object?
> public Point3D getCenter(Point3D)
> // Gets center between the two points
> public double getAngle(Point3D)
> // Gets angle between the two points when observed from the
> origin
> // (angle between vectors)
> public double getLength()
> // Gets distance from the origin (lenght of a vector)
> ? should it be named getDistance() not to look that weird on Point?
.. so maybe we should rather have center(Point3D), angle(Point3D),
> public Point3D crossProduct(Point3D point)
> public double dotProduct(Point3D point)
> // Compute product of the two vectors (I don't think we can
> reasonably document those as point operations)
> On Point2D:
> // similar to Point3D
> On Transform class:
> public Transform createConcatenation(Transform transform)
> // Creates new concatenated transform that is equivalent to
> // this transform being first in a transformation list and the
> given transform second
> // Means multiplication on the right by the given transform
> public Transform createInverse() throws
> NoninvertibleTransformException
> // Creates a negated transform
> public Transform clone()
> // Of course Transform implementing Cloneable
> // in subclasses the above methods will be overridden and will
> return more specific types where possible
> public Point3D transform(Point3D point)
> // Transforms the point
> public Point2D transform(Point2D point)
> // throws IllegalArgument for 3D transform
> public Bounds transform(Bounds bounds)
> // Transforms the bounds
> public void transform2D(double[] srcPts, int srcOffset, double[]
> dstPts, int dstOffset, int numPts)
> // similar to J2D
> public void transform3D(double[] srcPts, int srcOffset, double[]
> dstPts, int dstOffset, int numPts)
> // similar to the above but with tree coordinates per point
> public inverseTransform* // 6 methods
> // one counterpart for each transform*
> public Point3D deltaTransform(Point3D point)
> public Point2D deltaTransform(Point2D point)
> // transformation without translation (transformation of a
> vector)
> public double getDeterminant()
> public boolean is2D()
> public boolean is3D()
> public double get(MatrixType type, int row, int column)
> // Convenience getter for the individual elements
> // throws IndexOutOfBounds if index out of the range specified
> by type
> public double[] toArray(MatrixType type)
> // Returns flattened matrix specified by type
> public double[] toArray(MatrixType type, double[] array)
> // Similar to the above, just uses the passed array if it is
> big enough
> public double[] getRow(MatrixType type, int row)
> public double[] getRow(MatrixType type, int row, double[] array)
> public double[] getColumn(MatrixType type, int column)
> public double[] getColumn(MatrixType type, int column, double[]
> array)
> // Similar to toAarray returning the particular tuples
> // throw IndexOutOfBounds if index out of the range specified
> by type
> // Support for the transform changed event:
> // Transform will implement EventTarget interface
> protected void transformChanged()
> // for the subclasses to call when the transform changes
> public <T extends Event> void addEventFilter(EventType<T> eventType,
> EventHandler<? super
> T> eventHandler)
> public <T extends Event> void removeEventFilter(EventType<T>
> eventType,
> EventHandler<? super T> eventHandler)
> public <T extends Event> void addEventHandler(final EventType<T>
> eventType,
> final EventHandler<?
> super T> eventHandler)
> public <T extends Event> void removeEventHandler(EventType<T>
> eventType,
> EventHandler<? super T> eventHandler)
> public final void setOnTransformChanged(EventHandler<? super
> TransformChangedEvent> value)
> On Affine class:
> public Affine(Transform transform)
> public Affine(double mxx, double mxy, double tx,
> double myx, double myy, double ty)
> public Affine(double mxx, double mxy, double mxz, double tx,
> double myx, double myy, double myz, double ty,
> double mzx, double mzy, double mzz, double tz)
> public Affine(double[] array, MatrixType type, int beginIndex)
> // reads number of elements specified by "type"
> // from index specified by "beginIndex"
> // throws IllegalArgument if the array is not long enough or
> // if the last 3x3 or 4x4 matrix row is set to something
> different than 0, 0, (0,) 1
> public void setToTransform(Transform t)
> public void setToTransform(double mxx, double mxy, double tx,
> double myx, double myy, double ty)
> public void setToTransform(double mxx, double mxy, double mxz,
> double tx,
> double myx, double myy, double myz,
> double ty,
> double mzx, double mzy, double mzz,
> double tz)
> public void setToTransform(double[] array, MatrixType type, int
> beginIndex)
> // the same acceptance criteria as the constructor
> public void setToIdentity()
> public void invert() throws NoninvertibleTransformException
> public void append(Transform t) // multiplying on the right
> public void append(double mxx, double mxy, double tx,
> double myx, double myy, double ty)
> public void append(double mxx, double mxy, double mxz, double tx,
> double myx, double myy, double myz, double ty,
> double mzx, double mzy, double mzz, double tz)
> public void append(double[] array, MatrixType type, int beginIndex)
> public void appendTranslation(double tx, double ty)
> public void appendTranslation(double tx, double ty, double tz)
> public void appendScale(double sx, double sy)
> public void appendScale(double sx, double sy, double pivotX,
> double pivotY)
> public void appendScale(double sx, double sy, double sz)
> public void appendScale(double sx, double sy, double sz,
> double pivotX, double pivotY, double pivotZ)
> public void appendRotation(double theta)
> public void appendRotation(double theta, double pivotX, double
> pivotY)
> public void appendRotation(double theta,
> double pivotX, double pivotY, double
> pivotZ,
> double axisX, double axisY, double axisZ)
> public void appendRotation(double theta,
> double pivotX, double pivotY, double
> pivotZ,
> Point3D axis)
> public void appendShear(double shx, double shy)
> public void appendShear(double shx, double shy, double pivotX,
> double pivotY)
> // "append" means "add the transformation after the existing one", so
> // "append" means multiply this matrix on the right by the given
> matrix
> public void prepend* // 16 methods
> // Every append* method has its prepend* counterpart,
> // adding the transformation before the existing one,
> // multiplying on the left
> public void set(MatrixType type, int row, int col, double value)
> // convenience setter for the individual elements
> // allows to set the last row of 3x3 or 4x4 matrix only to 0,
> 0, (0,) 1
> // throws IllegalArgument if the above condition is not met
> // trows IndexOutOfBounds if one of the indices out of
> specified matrix type
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